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N° d'article : 57648

Adaptateur appareil-photo CANON EOS M48 BAÏONNETTE

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Description du produit

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Adapter ring from M48 to Canon EOS bajonet

  • Offers more free aperture than T2 for less vignetting

This short M48 adapter (2" filter thread) to Canon EOS offers an optimal adaption to M48 without the T2 bottleneck thus improving the field illumination, even with full-format DSLR cameras.

The T-Ring adapter fits to:

  • All Canon EOS (D)SLR cameras

On the telescope side, it e.g. fits to:

  • Skywatcher field flattener / reducser for ED refractors (SKFlat80, SKFlat100, SKFlat120)
  • Skywatcher coma correktor (Komakorrf4)
  • Baader MPCC Koma Corrector
  • TS Newton Koma Korrector (TSKomakorr)
  • TS, Riccardi, TeleVue ... Flattener and correctors

2" telescope adaption offering full aperture
With our TSVF230 (M48 extension tube), you can turn this T-ring to short bajonet adapter to 2" offering full aperture.

Technical details:

  • Camera connection: Canon EOS Bajonet
  • Telescope connection: M48x0.75 (2" filter thread)



Connexion (au téléscope)
Raccord (côté appareil-photo)
Canon EOS
Longueur optique (mm)

Données générales

Dimensions extérieurs (long. x larg. x haut.) (mm)

Sécurité des produits

Fabricant: NIMAX GmbH, Otto-Lilienthal-Str. 9, 86899 Landsberg am Lech, DE,
Adaptateur appareil-photo ASToptics CANON EOS M48 BAÏONNETTE

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