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N° d'article : 71895

Filtre L-Pro Canon EOS R Clip

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Description du produit

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In suburban areas with weak light pollution, the color balance is good. The design of multi-band pass ensures excellent color restoration.

L-Pro is a low color cast filter, which is specially designed for starry sky photography. That is not possible with other light pollution filters!

Optolong L-Pro (L-Professional) filter is designed to improve the visibility of various deepsky objects. By selectively reducing the transmission of wavelengths of light pollutants, specifically those produced by artificial lightings including mercury vapor lamps, both high & low pressure sodium vapor lights and the unwanted natural light caused by neutral oxygen emission in our atmosphere (i.e. skyglow). Together with the highly transparent in main nebula emission lines at OIII(496nm and 500nm), H-beta (486nm), NII(654nm and 658nm), H-alpha(656nm) as well as SII(672nm), the filter is suitable for enhancing the contrast and details for both visual and photograghic purpose at sub-rural area with heavy light pollution.
Unlike other light pollution filters UHC and CLS, L-Pro is multi-bandpass filter which offers better color balance by maximizing the transmission band. The balanced transmission allows astrophotos to be taken with minimal color cast to broadband emission objects such as galaxies, reflection nebulae and globular star clusters. L-Pro is the best choice for light pollution suppression.

Main Use and Performance

Suitable for visual observation and astrophotography.

L-Pro filter has a very low transmission reduction rate against continuous spectrum space objects, and thus is quite effective in suppressing light pollution sources when shooting galaxies, reflection nebulae and globular star clusters. The same holds true for visual star observations.

L-Pro filter alone can suppress infrared wavelength, and thus can be used at ease for “L” image shootings with CCDs.Light pollution filter do not eliminate the effects of light pollution or increase the object’s brightness. In many cases, they increase the contrast between nebula and night sky, not brightening the nebula.

L-Pro EOS-R Compatible Cameras and Lenses

Applicable camera body:


Applicable Lenses:

  • Full range of RF main and auxiliary lens
  • Full range of EF main and auxiliary lens (adapter is required)

WARNING: The filters of Optolong are not designed for sun observation. DO NOT LOOK AT THE SUN WITH ANY OPTOLONG FILTER. You would be BLIND, if you fail to observe the warning.



Approprié pour...
Canon EOS

Données générales

Type de construction
Filtres à bande large

Domaine d´emploi

Utilisable pour des photos
Galaxies et amas stellaires
Contre pollution lumineuse
Lune & planètes
Nébuleuses & galaxies
Brouillards planétaires
- (non recommandé)
Utilisable (visuel)
Brouillard hydrogène
- (non recommandé)

Sécurité des produits

Filtre Optolong L-Pro Canon EOS R Clip
Filtre Optolong L-Pro Canon EOS R Clip
Filtre Optolong L-Pro Canon EOS R Clip
Filtre Optolong L-Pro Canon EOS R Clip
Filtre Optolong L-Pro Canon EOS R Clip

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