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Astronomie > Filtre > Filtres L-RGB > Andover > Sloan SDSS > Filtre Andover Sloan I 50mm gefasst
N° d'article : 79150

Filtre Sloan I 50mm gefasst

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Description du produit

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Like the KRON and JOHN filters, Sloan filters are used to filter out and measure specific bands of light that are emitted by astronomical objects. The difference between SDSS filters and the KRON and JOHN filters is that they are non-overlapping and have steeper transitions between bands.

The Sloan bands are U, G, R, I, and Z. Refocusing is always a problem when changing filters. Andover can minimize this problem by grinding and polishing all filters to a very precisely controlled specified thickness. These filters are also AR coated to provide optimal performance and better imaging. Sloan Digital Sky Survey has created a detailed three-dimensional map of the universe using these filters. (



Matériau de la monture
Traitement de l'optique
Plusieurs traitements multicouches
Connexion (au téléscope)
50mm 2"

Données générales

Type de construction
Filtres passants
Sloan SDSS

Sécurité des produits

Fabricant: Andover Corporation, 4 Commercial Drive, NH 03079 Salem, US,
Personne responsable: NIMAX GmbH, Otto-Lilienthal-Str. 9, 86899 Landsberg am Lech, DE, [email protected]
Filtre Andover Sloan I 50mm gefasst

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