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N° d'article : 56690

Jeu de filtres, excitation UV (sans DX.9749), DX.9748-6 (Delphi-X)

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Selection of fluorescence filter sets

Choosing the appropriate filter set is a very important step before ordering your filters. It is essential to match the spectral characteristics of excitation and emission filters and dichroic mirror with the fluorophores used in your fluorescence microscopy application

The most important characteristics for the selection of fluorescence filter sets are:

• The separation between excitation and emission wavelengths

• The slope of the dichroic mirror

• The optical density of the emission filters

• The type of emission filter: longpass or bandpass in terms

of color discrimination

• The transmission percentage of the excitation and emission filters

• The type of coating applied to the filters in terms of durability

Standard fluorescence filter sets

Our standard fluorescence filter sets consists out of standard sputtered bandpass filter sets, high sharp slope dichroic mirrors for excellent separation and emission filters with

a high transmission level above 90% . These filter sets are offered at an affordable price and have a high hardness and excellent durability These filter sets are perfect for routine fluorescence and for most applications requiring precise color discrimination and excellent out-of-band blocking. For applications requiring the highest possible signal intensities, optimized and optimized premium filter sets are recommended

Optimized and optimized premium fluorescence filter sets

These filters sets feature the highest throughput sputter coatings with maximum transmission levels. The filters have very steep transitions and very high optical density suitable for modern fluorophores with short stokes shifts (difference

between absorption and emission maxima) and very little spectral separation between excitation and emission bands. The high hardness and excellent durability of the coatings enables these fluorescence filter sets to be used in high heat and humidity

6-position fluorescence rotating attachment

The 6-position rotating attachment can be supplied with standard fluorescence filters for routine applications for blue, green, violet and ultra-violet excitation or advanced fluorescence filters optimized for specific fluorophore(s

Standard fluorescence filter sets

Needs empty filter block

Filter set for ultra-violet excitation, DX.9748

EX: 330-385 nm Bp, Dm: 400 nm, Em: 420 nm LP


Assorti à la série

Delphi-X Observer


Référence fournisseur

Sécurité des produits

Fabricant: Euromex Microscopen bv, Papenkamp 20, 6836 BD Arnhem, NL, (neu),
Euromex Jeu de filtres, excitation UV (sans DX.9749), DX.9748-6 (Delphi-X)

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