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Longues-vues > Instruments > Kowa > TSN 770 > Longue-vue Kowa TSN-773 Prominar + oculaire VarioTE-11WZ 25-60x
N° d'article : 46086

Longue-vue TSN-773 Prominar + oculaire VarioTE-11WZ 25-60x

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Description du produit

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Series TSN-770

  • The PROMINAR models are using an XD objective lens with low dispersion properties to diminish chromatic aberration.
  • The performance and compactness of these spotting scopes are second to no other scopes in this class.
  • The housing is waterproof to JIS protection class 7 and filled with dry nitrogen gas to prevent the lens from fogging.
    JIS 7 = Japanese Industrial Standard / class 7 = Protected against the effects of temporary immersion in water.

  • Dual focus mechanism (Quick and fine focusing)
    The well established Kowa focus system has progressed to a new dual focus system. The quick focus, with a large and easy to turn knob, will focus from infinity to five meters in two revolutions.
    The fine focus, with smooth movements and pinpoint accuracy, is extremely useful at high magnifications and for digiscoping systems.
  • Eyepiece locking mechanism
    Kowa's standard eyepiece bayonet mount has been passed down to these new spotting scopes with a new attractive feature.
    An eyepiece locking mechanism has been added to the mount to prevent the eyepiece from getting lost or falling out unexpectedly.
  • Magnesium alloy body
    The magnesium alloy body made by a sophisticated molding process called thixotrophic molding has the feel and strength of a traditional metal body with decreased weight when compared to other large-diameter scopes.
    The rugged structure can tolerate the severest conditions and provides confidence and a sense of security for the user.
  • "PROMINAR" Lens
    One of the major causes of deterioration of viewing quality in optics is chromatic aberration (color blur). Chromatic aberration occurs due to the dispersion of light and the different wavelengths of light focusing on different positions, resulting in a red or purple fringing around the image. The optimum optical material to minimize chromatic aberration is fluorite crystal.
    A fluorite crystal with extremely low dispersion characteristics is used for the convex lens of the TSN-883/884 PROMINAR models. In place of an ordinary optical glass lens, the concave lens paired with the fluorite crystal lens is made of glass with special dispersion properties to reduce the chromatic aberration to a further degree.
    This combination of fluorite crystal and glass with special dispersion properties nearly eliminates chromatic aberration and redefines the standards of color brilliance.
    This technology is the result of many years of optical design and has realized great reduction in chromatic aberration, while maintaining a large diameter lens and high contrast images when compared with conventional models.
    The XD lens used in Kowa's TSN-773/774 PROMINAR models has characteristics similar to those of fluorite crystal to significantly reduce the chromatic aberration. All lenses are environmentally friendly Eco-Glass. (Eco-Glass is an environmentally friendly glass that does not contain lead or other harmful substances.)
  • Fluorite crystal ...
    Kowa uses the fluorite crystal exclusively in its flagship spotting scope and large binocular models. The fluorite used as make an optical lens is an artificially grown mono-crystal with "ultra-low dispersion", a characteristic that ordinary optical glass does not have.
    It is an ideal lens material that almost completely eliminates chromatic aberration (color blur). The fluorite crystal produced by the sophisticated processing technology that Kowa has accumulated over the years guarantees the ultimate viewing experience.
  • XD-Lens ...
    This lens has an outstanding optical performance and is easier to work with than fluorite crystal. When an XD lens (eXtra-low-Dispersion-lens) is paired with a concave lens with special dispersion properties, chromatic aberration is almost eliminated.
    The performance of spotting scopes with XD lenses is very close to that of Kowa's flagship models with fluorite crystal.
  • Compact
    The telephoto lens design of using 5 lens elements in 4 groups has successfully shortened the overall length of the scope while keeping a large diameter objective lens without sacrificing optical performance.
    The adoption of an inner focusing system has made the prism box light and compact and at the same time decreases the amount of image movement when compared to conventional prism focusing systems.
    The highly achromatized objective lens makes the scope as compact as a 60mm class scope without sacrificing performance.



Type de construction
Kit de longue-vue
Diamètre de lentille frontale (mm)
Pupille de sortie (mm)
3,1 (25x) - 1,28 (60x)
Matériau verre
Verre fluoré
Traitement lentille
multicouches, toutes surfaces
Système de mise au point
mise au point Dual Fokus
Posture d'observation
Vue oblique


oculaire inclu
Zoom oculaire inclus
Appareil-photo numérique intégré
Etanche aux projections d'eau
Bride d´attache rotatif
Raccord fileté trépied

Champ de vision

Champ de vision réel (°)
2,4 (25x) - 1,32 (60x)
Champ visuel en 1000m (m)
42 (25x) - 23 (60x)
Limite de mise au point sur les objets rapprochés (m)

Données générales

Longueur (mm)
Poids (g)
TSN 770

Domaine d´emploi

très bien
Observation d'oiseaux
très bien
Tireurs sportifs
très bien
très bien

Sécurité des produits

Fabricant: Kowa Optimed Deutschland GmbH, Fichtenstr. 123, 40233 Düsseldorf, DE,
Personne responsable: Kowa Optimed Deutschland GmbH, Fichtenstr. 123, 40233 Düsseldorf, DE, [email protected]

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*Les prix s'entendent TVA comprise, frais d'expédition en plus.

Longue-vue Kowa TSN-773 Prominar + oculaire VarioTE-11WZ  25-60x
Longue-vue Kowa TSN-773 Prominar + oculaire VarioTE-11WZ  25-60x
Longue-vue Kowa TSN-773 Prominar + oculaire VarioTE-11WZ  25-60x
Longue-vue Kowa TSN-773 Prominar + oculaire VarioTE-11WZ  25-60x

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