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N° d'article : 16532

Off-Axis Guider M48

Prix public : 173,00 $ Notre prix:
129,00 $ TVA incluse plus frais d'expédition
Trop cher ?
à court terme
expédié sous 3-7 jours + durée de transport

Description du produit

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The short TSOAG9 off-axis guider can be used with almost every telescope and substitutes the guiding scope. Guiding becomes more accurate and the mount has to bear less load. The TSOAG9 is the shortest off-axis guider of its class - especially suitable for adaptions where only little space is available.

The advantages and features of the TSOAG9:

  • Short design: only 11.4 mm from the M48 thread to the camera side connection.
  • Best illumination: 45.5 mm clear aperture - in addition, the prism can be freely adjusted to avoid shading.
  • Easy focusing of the autoguider: the lateral T2 connector can be adjusted as well, making possible to focus the autoguider without changing the distance from the main camera to the corrector.
  • At the telescope side, the TSOAG9 has a short 2" barrel with an M48x0.75 / 2" filter thread. This allows for a flexible adaption.
  • Flexible adaption at the camera side: in the accessories section, you can find the necessary connecting adapters to T2, M42x1, M48 and EOS. The adapters do not extend the length of the off-axis guider.

NOTE: You need one of the necessary camera-side adapters from the recommended accessories.

L'avis de notre spécialiste :

Pour garantir d'atteindre le même point focal sur le guideur, l'oculaire et l'appareil de prise de vue, il faut éventuellement ajuster le serrage sur la bague. Dans ce cas, un adaptateur afocal est utile.

Parfois, on a également besoin d'un tube d'extension.

(Bernd Gährken

To ensure that the guide camera/eyepiece and imaging camera are both in focus, it may be necessary to clamp one of them to the eyepiece barrel at a different position. A 'homo focal ring' (Product No. 10610) is useful here.

An extension tube is also sometimes required, e.g. from Lumicon.

(Bernd Gährken)



Connexion (au téléscope)
Longueur optique (mm)
Passage libre (mm)

Données générales

Accessoires d'autoguidage
Type de construction
Off-Axis Guider

Sécurité des produits

Fabricant: Teleskop-Service Ransburg GmbH, Von-Myra-Straße 8, 85599 Parsdorf, DE,

Accessoires recommandés

Astronomie > Accessoires pour télescopes (7)
tube allonge

TS Optics Tube allonge diam. 50.8mm (2'') avec double filetage, chemin optique 30mm

32,90 $*

*Les prix s'entendent TVA comprise, frais d'expédition en plus.

Off-Axis Guider TS Optics M48
Off-Axis Guider TS Optics M48
Off-Axis Guider TS Optics M48
Off-Axis Guider TS Optics M48
Off-Axis Guider TS Optics M48

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