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N° d'article : 51767

Porte-oculaire Porte oculaire Feather Touch FTF2015BCR LW avec le système Paracorr (SIPS) correcteur de coma

Prix public : 2.810,00 $ Notre prix:
2.430,00 $ TVA incluse plus frais d'expédition
Trop cher ?
à long terme
expédié sous 3-6 mois + durée de transport

Description du produit

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Focuser FTF2015BCR LW: 2.0" Diameter focuser with 1.5" draw tube travel and Compression Ring. Starlight Intrument has notched out the focuser housing and custom machined the draw tube. This leightweight focuser weighs a mere 0.848lbs. which is 0.278 lbs lighter than the Starlight Intruments standard 2.0 focuser.

Starlight Integrated Paracorr System (SIPS): The SIPS is an integrated focuser-mounted version of the TeleVue Paracorr Type 2. This Coma Corrector functions with Starlight Instruments finely crafted Feather Touch focuser and combined with TeleVue’s 1st-class optics, which together, makes this the ultimate coma corrector.

The advantages of the SIPS Coma Corrector is once it is set-up, there is no need to fumble with locking screws, turning your flashlight on to check its position, etc. This saves time and hassle. Also, the assembly is more rigid and flexure is greatly reduced. The SIPS Coma Corrector totally eliminates the need to re-adjust/calibrate when switching eyepieces. You will simply adjust the focus knobs of your Feather Touch focuser for viewing. Because of this, the SIPS Coma Corrector will save you valuable observing time, less hassle and ease of use.



Charge maximale supplémentaire (kg)
Approprié pour...
Selon l'adaptateur
tirage (mm)
Passage libre (mm)


Mobile en rotation

Données générales

Poids (g)
Feather Touch
Type de construction


Sécurité des produits

Fabricant: Starlight Instruments, LLC, 2380 E. Cardinal Drive, IN, 46725 Columbia City, US,
Personne responsable: NIMAX GmbH, Otto-Lilienthal-Str. 9, 86899 Landsberg am Lech, DE, [email protected]
Porte-oculaire Starlight Instruments Porte oculaire Feather Touch FTF2015BCR LW avec le système Paracorr (SIPS) correcteur de coma
Porte-oculaire Starlight Instruments Porte oculaire Feather Touch FTF2015BCR LW avec le système Paracorr (SIPS) correcteur de coma

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