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Astronomie > Accessoires pour télescopes > Porte-oculaires manuels > Porte oculaire > TS Optics > Porte-oculaire TS Optics short T2 Helical Focuser & Adapter
N° d'article : 59383

Porte-oculaire short T2 Helical Focuser & Adapter

Prix public : 108,00 $ Notre prix:
75,00 $ TVA incluse plus frais d'expédition
à court terme
expédié sous 3-7 jours + durée de transport

Description du produit

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Many telescopes, like Schmidt-Cassegrains or Maksutovs, offer a rather coarse focus adjustment. This helical focuser offers a clearly more precise and comfortable focusing. Simply twist the knurled ring and achieve perfect focus with your telescope or telephoto lens. The camera does not rotate when adjusting, so image orientation is always maintained.

Simply screw the TS helical focuser onto the T2-thread of your telescope or use the optional push adapters for attaching the focuser to the 2" or 1.25" receptacle. The adapters can be found in the accessories section.

You can also thread the helical focuser to the T2 mount of your telephoto lens for precise focusing of eyepieces or compact cameras.



Raccord (côté appareil-photo)
Connexion (au téléscope)
Longueur optique (mm)
min 18

Données générales

Type de construction
Système de mise au point

Sécurité des produits

Fabricant: Teleskop-Service Ransburg GmbH, Von-Myra-Straße 8, 85599 Parsdorf, DE,
Porte-oculaire TS Optics short T2 Helical Focuser & Adapter
Porte-oculaire TS Optics short T2 Helical Focuser & Adapter
Porte-oculaire TS Optics short T2 Helical Focuser & Adapter
Porte-oculaire TS Optics short T2 Helical Focuser & Adapter

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